Many great public spaces have ebbs and flows. Like Nathan Philips Square, and it still works brilliantly, for every + special days. @lavrys
— jennifer keesmaat (@jen_keesmaat) March 1, 2014
— jennifer keesmaat (@jen_keesmaat) March 1, 2014
Many great public spaces have ebbs and flows. Like Nathan Philips Square, and it still works brilliantly, for every + special days. @lavrys
— jennifer keesmaat (@jen_keesmaat) March 1, 2014
— jennifer keesmaat (@jen_keesmaat) March 1, 2014
Greenwich Village, New York City. www. |
Vid about Waterloo-Kitchener LRT emphasizes abundance of access, role in a larger network, not just techno-thrill.
— Jarrett Walker (@humantransit) February 27, 2014
"It took me 40 years to get rid of my education” — Jan Gehl @citiesforpeople
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) February 27, 2014
@CeasingFuzzball Cars flow into infrastructure build for them. Ergo... divert funds away from road building... @LitmanVTPI @citiesforpeople
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) February 22, 2014
The last of the Horse Drawn Carriages, side by side with an electric tram in New York, 1917. By The Brown Brothers.
— Historical Pics (@HistoricalPics) February 26, 2014
—@lisahelps Science degrees in traffic engineering a “fraud upon students and upon the pubic” —Jane Jacobs Dark Age Ahead @BrentToderian
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) February 25, 2014
.@Globeandmail "Better crosswalks, more benches, improved sidewalks…require an act of public and political will..."
— VPSN (@vpsn) February 25, 2014
A city needs anchors. La Bocheria Barcelona: exuberant human interaction & commerce confirm centuries-old tradition
— Sprawl Repair (@SprawlRepairMnl) February 14, 2014
Car trips didn't just "disappear" during the 2010 #Vancouver #Olympics. They switched to walking, biking & transit:
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) February 23, 2014
![]() |
Todd Litman |
Attractive and accessible booklet describes how cities can become more sustainable through better transport planning.
— Todd Litman (@LitmanVTPI) February 20, 2014
Only one speed fits the "Life-Sized City," argues @copenhagenize. It's about street design, not just posted speeds.
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) February 17, 2014
I have become convinced over my 22+ years of practice that municipal requirements for traffic studies & parking studies are usually a waste.
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) February 17, 2014
U can’t add ped/bike to car—U can add ped/bike to what you take from car. #Nanaimo @spirit_of_urban @G_Anderson1 @LitmanVTPI @BrentToderian
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) February 16, 2014
Jan Gehl says that #Vancouver's @granville_isle is the best example of all his principles of life between buildings.
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) February 8, 2014
RT @bponsot: Which American municipalities have filed for bankruptcy? |
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) February 8, 2014
Your brain after a 20 min walk; why walking to school is linked to academic performance.
— jennifer keesmaat (@jen_keesmaat) February 6, 2014
Vancouver Cycle Chic: Another adorable video
— pricetags (@pricetags) February 5, 2014
"Driving across the country is a joy; driving to work is folly." @SkyMuseum book-talk with @VishaanNYC here
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) February 4, 2014
Jennifer Bradley & Bruce Katz; Vishaan Chakrabarti; Presidential Libraries on @CharlieRose: @VishaanNYC
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) February 4, 2014
Science degrees in traffic engineering a “fraud upon students and upon the pubic” —Jane Jacobs Dark Age Ahead @BrentToderian @TODUrbanWORKS
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) February 4, 2014