From Montreal Gazette —
Montreal unveils plans for urban boulevard
At the centre of the massive project, which was subject to public consultation in 2009, are 42-metre wide public-park spaces, totalling more than 20,000 square metres, that will separate the north and southbound roadways. The northbound direction, heading downtown from the South Shore between the Lachine Canal and Notre Dame St., will be four lanes wide, while the southbound section will count five lanes.
East-west cycling lanes are planned along William St. and Ottawa St., and wide pedestrian walkways will be lined with dozens of newly planted trees. Art installations are being commissioned and are expected to be placed at each end of the new corridor, which will be re-baptized Robert-Bourassa Blvd. in honour of Quebec’s former premier. Read more: Montreal unveils new plans for urban boulevard to replace Bonaventure Expressway | Montreal Gazette
ce projet devrait aboutir au niveau de l'ile-des-sœurs et s'ouvrir sur le fleuve par une bande paysagée entre Victoria et Champlain par la démolition de l'affreuse autoroute Bonaventure.
This project should be extended up to Ile-des-sœurs by the demolition of this horrible Bonaventure highway and a green opening to the Saint-Laurent from Victoria to Champlain.
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