Tuesday, March 1, 2016

From Project for Public Spaces
Placemaking and the human scale city

7th Street SE in Washington, DC | James Calder via Flickr
Human scale advocates share a common concern about the impacts of unrestricted development on our neighbourhoods. Project for Public Spaces is active in this international discussion, but rather than directly protesting developers or luxury housing or zoning changes, we frame the conversation differently – everyone has the right to live in a human scale city, and one way to achieve this is through placemaking. 
DEFINING THE HUMAN SCALE In its simplest definition, creating a human scale environment means making sure that the objects that we interact with every day are of a size and shape that is reasonable for an average person to use. That’s why our stairs have a 7 inch rise and an 11 inch run, for example, and why our doorways are 80 inches. Read more: Placemaking and the Human Scale City - Project for Public Spaces

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