Tuesday, September 11, 2012

From Time Lightbox
Portraits of Quebec Mohawk Ironworkers Who Worked on the WTC Towers

Peter Jacobs
32 years, Connector/Signal-man

“My whole family, from my dad’s side right on down, is in the business. That’s how I got into it. Seeing my father and grandfather, I always wanted to be an ironworker since I was 9 or 10 years old.

It’s been an honor to build the tallest building in the United States. I can tell my grand-kids that I helped build this. The WTC, Tower 1, would be the highlight of my 30-year career as an ironworker. Knowing the height of the building and what it means to the people who lost their loved ones…it is like a victory for us and the people.”

Read more, full screen recommended: http://lightbox.time.com/2012/09/11/the-mohawk-ironworkers-rebuilding-the-iconic-skyline-of-new-york/#ixzz26BrhxPzw

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